Kofi is 7 years older than ama. The sum of their ages is 41. How old is ama?

Ama's age --- x

Kofi's age = x+7

x + x+7 = 41
2x + 7 = 41

finish it up

41-7=34 .Complete it

Let's solve this problem step by step.

Step 1: Let's assume that Ama's age is x years.
Step 2: According to the first statement, Kofi is 7 years older than Ama. Therefore, Kofi's age can be represented as x + 7.
Step 3: According to the second statement, the sum of their ages is 41. Therefore, we can write the equation as x + (x + 7) = 41.
Step 4: Simplifying the equation, we get 2x + 7 = 41.
Step 5: Subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation, we get 2x = 34.
Step 6: Dividing both sides of the equation by 2, we get x = 17.

Therefore, Ama is 17 years old.

To find out how old Ama is, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assume Ama's age is x years.
According to the first piece of information, Kofi is 7 years older than Ama, so Kofi's age would be x + 7 years.

According to the second piece of information, the sum of their ages is 41, so we can write the equation:
x + (x + 7) = 41

Simplifying the equation:
2x + 7 = 41

Subtracting 7 from both sides:
2x = 34

Dividing both sides by 2:
x = 17

Therefore, Ama is 17 years old.