Stephen read a 90-page book in 6 days. If he continues reading at that rate, how long will it take him to read a 300-page book?

can somebody do it step-by-step with me

90 pages / 60 days = 1.5 pages per day

300 / 1.5 = ? days

or ... 60 / 90 = ? / 300

was that 60 days a typo and thank you for your help

oops ... my bad

but it seems you were able to correct


Sure, I can help you with that.

To find out how long it will take Stephen to read a 300-page book, we can use the concept of ratios.

First, we need to determine the ratio of pages read per day for the 90-page book.

To do that, we divide the total number of pages (90) by the number of days it took to read the book (6):

90 pages / 6 days = 15 pages per day.

Now that we have the ratio of pages read per day (15), we can use it to find the number of days it will take Stephen to read a 300-page book.

To do that, we divide the total number of pages in the 300-page book by the ratio of pages read per day:

300 pages / 15 pages per day = 20 days.

Therefore, if Stephen continues reading at the same rate, it will take him 20 days to read a 300-page book.