Which option explains one reason why Europeans sought to convert indigenous people to Christianity?

Christianity was similar to the native people’s religion, so it made sense to convert them.
Indigenous people were very curious and actively sought to convert to Christianity on their own.
The Spanish, Portuguese, and French wanted to create a unified Catholic empire in the Americas.
Christian subjects would be easier to control, thus allowing trade to flourish.

I think it is D.

I agree.

Thank you!!

You're welcome.

Yes the answer is D. I do primavera online school

You are correct. Option D, "Christian subjects would be easier to control, thus allowing trade to flourish," explains one reason why Europeans sought to convert indigenous people to Christianity. Europeans believed that by converting the indigenous people to Christianity, they could exert more control over them and establish a power dynamic that favored the Europeans. This control would make it easier for Europeans to conduct trade and expand their influence in the areas they colonized.