a coffee shop buys a certain blend by the pound. Each pound of the blend cost $1.19. Write a function rule to describe this relationship. How much would 12lbs of this blend cost?

cost= 1.19* weightOfCoffee

The function rule to describe this relationship can be expressed as:

Cost(p) = 1.19p

Where "p" represents the number of pounds of the blend, and "Cost(p)" represents the cost of the blend in dollars.

To find out how much 12 pounds of this blend would cost, we substitute "p" with 12 in the function rule:

Cost(12) = 1.19 * 12 = $14.28

Therefore, 12 pounds of this blend would cost $14.28.

To write a function rule to describe the relationship between the pounds of coffee blend and its cost, you can use the formula:

Cost = Price per pound × Number of pounds

In this case, the price per pound is $1.19. Therefore, the function rule is:

Cost = $1.19 × Number of pounds

To find out how much 12 lbs of this blend would cost, we can substitute the value of the number of pounds into the function rule:

Cost = $1.19 × 12

Using simple multiplication, the cost can be calculated as:

Cost = $14.28

Therefore, 12 lbs of this coffee blend would cost $14.28.