Aldo's Coffee Shop makes a blend that is a mixture of two types of coffee. Type A coffee costs Aldo $5.85 per pound, and type B coffee costs $4.15 per pound. This month's blend used four times as many pounds of type B coffee as type A, for a total cost of $449.00 How many pounds of type A coffee were used?

Let x be the number of pounds of type A coffee used.

The number of pounds of type B coffee used is 4 * x.
The total cost of the blend is 5.85 * x + 4.15 * 4 * x = 449.
Combining like terms, we get 5.85x + 16.6x = 449
Combining like terms, we get 22.45x = 449
Dividing both sides by 22.45, we get x = 20.
Twenty pounds of type A coffee were used. Answer: \boxed{20}.

Let's assume that the amount of type A coffee used in pounds is "x".

According to the information given, the amount of type B coffee used in pounds is four times the amount of type A coffee, so it would be 4x.

The cost of type A coffee per pound is $5.85, so the cost of x pounds of type A coffee would be 5.85x.

The cost of type B coffee per pound is $4.15, so the cost of 4x pounds of type B coffee would be 4.15 * 4x = 16.6x.

The total cost of the blend is $449.00, so the cost of type A coffee plus the cost of type B coffee should equal $449.00.

Therefore, the equation is:

5.85x + 16.6x = 449

Combining like terms, we have:

22.45x = 449

Dividing both sides of the equation by 22.45, we get:

x = 449 / 22.45

Simplifying, we find:

x ≈ 20

So, approximately 20 pounds of type A coffee were used in the blend.

To solve this problem, let's define some variables. Let's use:

A = pounds of type A coffee
B = pounds of type B coffee

According to the problem, we know that type B coffee was used four times as much as type A coffee. So we can represent this relationship as:

B = 4A

Now, let's calculate the cost of the blend. The cost of type A coffee is $5.85 per pound, and the cost of type B coffee is $4.15 per pound. The total cost of the blend is given as $449.00. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

5.85A + 4.15B = 449

Substitute the value of B from the first equation into the second equation, we get:

5.85A + 4.15(4A) = 449

Simplify the equation:

5.85A + 16.6A = 449

Combine like terms:

22.45A = 449

Divide both sides by 22.45:

A = 449 / 22.45

A ≈ 20

Therefore, approximately 20 pounds of type A coffee were used in the blend.