What effect did industrialization have on imperialism?

An increase in production led to the need for new land to build factories in foreign territories.

It's not C.

Increased production led to a surplus in manufactured goods and a need for more customers.

European countries needed to conquer other territories to increase revenues from colonial tax.

Developing nations needed to conquer foreign territory to compete with industrialized nations.

We have the same question just not the same worded answers, I believe for yours it would be B, mine was, Increased production led to greater demands for raw materials and a need for new markets.

its B

Not C or D

There is

The correct answer is B: Increased production led to a surplus in manufactured goods and a need for more customers.

To understand why industrialization had this effect on imperialism, let's break it down step by step:

1. Industrialization refers to the transformation of an economy through the development of industries, mechanization, and the mass production of goods.

2. Industrialization brought about significant advancements in technology, production, and transportation. This resulted in increased productivity and the ability to produce goods on a larger scale.

3. With the increased production capacity, industrialized nations often faced a surplus of manufactured goods. This surplus needed to be sold to generate profits and sustain economic growth.

4. In order to find new markets for their goods, industrialized nations looked beyond their own borders and turned towards imperialism.

5. Imperialism refers to the policy or ideology of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, annexation, and domination of other territories.

6. By acquiring colonies or establishing spheres of influence in foreign territories, industrialized nations gained control over new markets. They could sell their surplus goods to these territories and extract resources to support their industries.

7. The need for more customers to absorb the surplus production motivated industrialized nations to engage in imperialism. They sought to secure markets, control trade routes, and exploit resources in order to maintain economic growth.

In summary, industrialization led to increased production, which in turn created a surplus of manufactured goods. To address this surplus and sustain economic growth, industrialized nations sought new customers through imperialism, thereby expanding their colonial empires and establishing control over foreign territories.

And you think it's … ?

theres no d but ok