Which source would MOST LIKELY include a personal account of how Apartheid affected black citizens of South Africa?


To find a source that would MOST LIKELY include a personal account of how Apartheid affected black citizens of South Africa, you could consider the following options:

1. Autobiographies or memoirs: Look for personal accounts written by individuals who lived through Apartheid in South Africa. These can provide a firsthand perspective on the experiences of black citizens during that time. Examples include Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom" or Steve Biko's "I Write What I Like."

2. Oral histories or interviews: Seek out recorded interviews or transcriptions of conversations with black individuals who experienced Apartheid. These sources often capture personal stories, reflections, and insights. Organizations like museums, universities, or historical societies may have archived oral histories that you can access.

3. Documentary films or video testimonials: Look for documentaries that focus on the experiences of black citizens during Apartheid. Some filmmakers have interviewed individuals who lived through this period, providing personal accounts of the impact of Apartheid. Additionally, platforms like YouTube or dedicated documentary websites may offer video testimonials from people who experienced Apartheid firsthand.

By exploring these types of sources, you are more likely to find personal accounts that vividly depict how Apartheid affected black citizens of South Africa.