Which statement most accurately describes each side's main strategy at the start of the Civil War?

Select one:
a. The South planned to invade the North; the North planned to stop this invasion in the border states.
b. The North planned to isolate the South and invade it; the South planned to resist invasion and ask European nations for help.
c. The North planned to seek help from Europe; the South planned to blockade northern seaports.
d. The South planned to capture Washington, D.C., and end the war quickly; the North planned to capture New Orleans and invade the Confederacy from there.
I think b?

I think you're right.


To determine the correct answer, let's break down each statement's strategy:

a. The South planned to invade the North; the North planned to stop this invasion in the border states.
This strategy does not accurately represent the initial strategies of both sides. The South mainly aimed to defend its territory rather than actively invade the North. Additionally, the North's initial objective was not solely focused on defending the border states.

b. The North planned to isolate the South and invade it; the South planned to resist invasion and ask European nations for help.
This option accurately describes the main strategies at the start of the Civil War. The North's primary strategy was to isolate the South by establishing blockades and cutting off its supply lines. The North also aimed to invade the South to bring the Confederate states back into the Union. On the other hand, the South's main strategy was to resist invasion and appeal to European nations, particularly England and France, for recognition and support.

c. The North planned to seek help from Europe; the South planned to blockade northern seaports.
This statement does not accurately capture the main strategies of both sides. Although the North did seek diplomatic support from European nations, it was not their central strategy. Additionally, while the South did implement a blockade on northern seaports, it was not their primary or initial plan.

d. The South planned to capture Washington, D.C., and end the war quickly; the North planned to capture New Orleans and invade the Confederacy from there.
This statement does not accurately describe the initial strategies of both sides. The South did not prioritize capturing Washington, D.C., and ending the war quickly as their primary strategy. The North did have plans to capture New Orleans to gain control over the Mississippi River, but this was not their main strategy at the start of the war.

Based on the provided options, option b is the most accurate description of each side's main strategy at the start of the Civil War.