This is to Katherine switzer a run to remeber paragraph i cant copy and paste it because its on my computer.

Which detail from the selection supports the answer to the previous question?

Mhm okie lady tanks

I hope Katherine Switzer doesn't get caught cheating, or both of you will suffer.

I meant on not to lol i cant type as well on this phone

To find the detail from the selection that supports the answer to the previous question, you would need to have access to the specific selection or paragraph from Katherine Switzer's "A Run to Remember." Since you mentioned that it is on your computer and cannot be copied and pasted, you will need to locate the document and open it.

If you have the document open, you can scroll through the text until you find the relevant paragraph or section that contains information related to the previous question. Look for details or specific statements that provide support for the answer you are trying to find.

Without further information or the actual text, it is difficult to provide a specific detail. Please retrieve the text or provide further details so that I can assist you more effectively.

#1. I doubt anyone here has read the selection you are referring to. Make sure you have — and read it more than once so you fully understand it.

#2. "Which detail from the selection supports the answer to the previous question?" No one here knows what the previous question is, much less its answer!

Please think about what you are posting before you do so. This makes no sense to us.