If my car gets 18 miles to the gallon on the highway how many gallons would it take to go 620 miles

you want to convert miles to gal

So, mi / (mi/gal) = gal
620mi / (18mi/gal) = 620/18 mi

To calculate the number of gallons needed to travel a certain distance, you can use the formula:

Number of gallons = Distance / MPG

In this case, the distance is 620 miles and the MPG (miles per gallon) is 18.

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

Number of gallons = 620 miles / 18 MPG

Now, we can calculate the result:

Number of gallons = 34.4444...

Rounding to the nearest whole number, it would take approximately 34 gallons to go 620 miles.