tell how using a reading role helped you understand the book. The reading roles are described in the link of unit 4, lesson 1, slide 4. support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.(Johnny Tremain)

Using reading roles helps me be more aware of what's going on in the book (setting, problem, character, etc.)

That's all I got I still need evidence and more stuff to go off of so can someone tell me what i should improve and add?

To demonstrate how using reading roles helped you understand the book, "Johnny Tremain," you need to follow a few steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the reading roles described in Unit 4, Lesson 1, Slide 4. These reading roles usually include elements such as characters, setting, problem, plot, and theme. Each role focuses on a specific aspect of the story, allowing for a deeper analysis.

2. Read the novel, "Johnny Tremain," attentively. As you read, apply the reading roles to understand the different elements of the story. Take notes to support your analysis.

3. Identify at least two pieces of evidence from the novel that demonstrate how the reading roles helped you understand the book. These could be specific examples of how analyzing characters, setting, or plot enhanced your comprehension. Make sure to include evidence that showcases the effectiveness of using reading roles.

Here is an example response:

"Using reading roles, such as analyzing characters and setting, significantly helped me understand the book, 'Johnny Tremain.' By closely examining the characters' traits, motivations, and actions, I gained deeper insights into the story. An example of this is Johnny himself, who undergoes a transformation from an arrogant and self-centered boy to a compassionate and selfless young man. Analyzing this character arc allowed me to understand the novel's central theme of personal growth and redemption.

Additionally, paying attention to the setting was crucial in understanding the historical context of the novel. 'Johnny Tremain' is set during the American Revolutionary War, and by considering the setting, I could fully grasp the challenges and conflicts faced by the characters. For instance, the scene where Johnny witnesses the Boston Tea Party helped me comprehend the tension and resentment against British rule, which fueled the protagonist's desire for freedom.

Overall, employing the reading roles of character analysis and setting helped me delve deeper into 'Johnny Tremain,' enabling a more comprehensive understanding of the narrative and its underlying themes."

seems to me you have done no thinking so far. Get specific on setting, problem, character clues you found in ;your reading role.