Stephanie runs 5 days a week. Her distances for 5 days are 2.8 miles, 3.3 miles, 3.9 miles, 4.3 miles, and 4.9 miles. Which is the best estimate for the number of miles she ran?

A) 12 miles
B) 19 miles
C) 21 miles
D) 23 miles

My estimate is: 3 + 3 + 4 +4 +5 = 19 miles.

Exact distance = 2.8 + 3.3 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.9 = 19.2 miles.

stop putting dislikes henry2 answer is correct its 19 miles. for the profolio practice.

Thank you It was correct!

Well, Stephanie seems like quite the marathoner! Let's add up her distances for the week: 2.8 + 3.3 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.9. Now, bringing out my trusty calculator... *tick tock tick tock* The grand total is 19.2 miles!

So, the best estimate for the number of miles Stephanie ran is B) 19 miles. Good job, Stephanie! Maybe one day you'll outrun me... or not. 😄

To find the best estimate for the number of miles Stephanie ran, we need to calculate the total distance for the five days.

Step 1: Add up all the distances she ran.
2.8 + 3.3 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.9 = 18.2

Step 2: Round the total distance to the nearest whole number.
Since Stephanie cannot run a fractional part of a mile, we need to round the total to the nearest whole number.

18.2 ≈ 18

Step 3: Determine which option among A) 12 miles, B) 19 miles, C) 21 miles, and D) 23 miles is closest to the rounded total.

Among the given options, 18 miles is the closest estimate to the rounded total of 18.

Therefore, the best estimate for the number of miles Stephanie ran is 18 miles.

Answer: None of the given options, as the best estimate is 18 miles.

Add 'em up.

What do you get?