Please check my answers.

1. Replace the bold-faced word in the sentence with an appropriate vocabulary word: I chose to GIVE UP sweets to get in preparation for soccer season.
A. enigma
B. abstain from ********
C. transfix
D. self-efface

2. The fact that the narrator misinterprets so many of his sister's expressions and motives due to his own envy is an example of _______.
A. situational irony ****
B. personification
C. tone
D. alliteration

3. Which of the following would NOT be a suitable choice for an essay on the story's theme?
A. Family is about forgiveness. ******
B. Jealousy breeds hate.
C. Restricting oneself from simple pleasures can lead to envy.
D. Public belief and personal action are often very different.

4. Categorize the following sentence: "Blowing in the breeze, the flowers made me feel calm." (The phrase "blowing in the breeze" is underlined)
A. simple *****
B. complex
C. compound
D. compound-complex

1. B

2. A
3. A
4. B
100% correct

Dani is 100% correct.

It was

B- abstain from
A- situational irony
A- Family is about forgiveness
B- complex
for me

@Idk is 100%

@dani, @idk are both right

Nov 2 2022. Still correct

Dani is indeed correct, the last question is complex not simple

Let's go through your answers one by one:

1. The sentence reads, "I chose to GIVE UP sweets to get in preparation for soccer season."
To replace the bold-faced word with an appropriate vocabulary word, we need a word that means to abstain from something. The correct answer is B. abstain from.

2. The sentence mentions that the narrator misinterprets his sister's expressions and motives due to his own envy. This is an example of situational irony, where the outcome is contrary to what is expected. So, the correct answer is A. situational irony.

3. The question asks for a theme that would NOT be suitable for an essay on the story. The three options that align with the story are B. Jealousy breeds hate, C. Restricting oneself from simple pleasures can lead to envy, and D. Public belief and personal action are often very different.
The theme that would NOT be suitable for the essay is A. Family is about forgiveness.

4. The sentence "Blowing in the breeze, the flowers made me feel calm." includes a phrase "blowing in the breeze" which provides additional information about the flowers. This type of sentence has one independent clause and one dependent clause. Therefore, the correct answer is B. complex.

Based on the explanations provided, your answers are as follows:
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B

1. I agree

2. I agree
3. You didn't say what story so I can't help you there.
4. I agree

dani is 0%

he is 0%