Let’s practice using the HTML formatting tags.


The given web page has several vocabulary words defined, followed by a sentence that uses the word.


Use HTML formatting tags to:

Bold each vocabulary word in the definition by indicating it’s strongly important
Italicize each vocabulary word by indicating its emphasis within the sentence.

malleable: easily influenced

"Memory is so malleable or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created." (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))

concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients

There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty concoctions. (US News (Sep 4, 2014))

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>HTML Formatting Practice</title>

<p><strong>malleable</strong>: easily influenced</p>
<p>"Memory is so <em>malleable</em> or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created." (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))</p>

<p><strong>concoction</strong>: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients</p>
<p>There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty <em>concoctions</em>. (US News (Sep 4, 2014))</p>


To modify the given sentences using HTML formatting tags, follow these steps:

1. Add a `` tag around each vocabulary word in the definition to make it appear bold.

Modified sentence for "malleable: easily influenced":
"malleable: easily influenced"

Modified sentence for "concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients":
"concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients"

2. Add an `<em>` tag around each vocabulary word in the sentence to make it appear italicized.

Modified sentence for "malleable: easily influenced":
"Memory is so <em>malleable</em> or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created." (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))

Modified sentence for "concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients":
"There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty <em>concoctions</em>." (US News (Sep 4, 2014))

To complete the task of using HTML formatting tags to format the given vocabulary words and sentences, you will need to use the following tags:

1. `<strong>` tag for bold formatting.
2. `<em>` tag for italics formatting.

Here's how you can implement the formatting for the given words and sentences:

<strong>malleable:</strong> easily influenced

<em>"Memory is so <strong>malleable</strong> or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created."</em> (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))

<strong>concoction:</strong> any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients

<em>There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty <strong>concoctions</strong>.</em> (US News (Sep 4, 2014))

In the provided HTML code snippet, the `<strong>` tags are used to make the vocabulary words bold while the `<em>` tags are used to make the words in the sentences italicized.

You can copy this HTML code and replace it within the relevant section of your web page or HTML document.