Can you list 8 different periods of the earth?

I need help with my portfolio.

This will be set up like: Period-Event

Cambrian-Invertebrate sea life proliferating during this and the following period

Ordovician-Diverse marine life, including vertebrates; vascular plants

Silurian-Coral reefs; giant scorpions; first jawed fish

Devonian-Numerous fishes, other sea life; many plants, first trees; wingless insects

Carboniferous-Maximum coal formation in swampy forests; insects, amphibians, reptiles; fishes, clams, crustaceans

Permian-Large reptiles, amphibians; most species become extinct

Triassic-Early dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles; first mammals

Jurassic-Many seagoing reptiles; early large dinosaurs; later, flying reptiles (pterosaurs), earliest known birds

Cretaceous-Dinosaurs and other reptiles dominate; seed-bearing plants appear

Paleogene-Rich insect fauna, early bats, increasingly diverse varieties of mammals and birds

Neogene-Further development of mammals and birds. Various forms of humans, including Homo sapiens

Hope this helps!

Thank you, :) It does help.

Certainly! Here are 8 different geological periods of the Earth:

1. Precambrian Period: This is the longest period in Earth's history, lasting about 4 billion years, prior to the emergence of complex life forms.

2. Cambrian Period: This period, about 541-485 million years ago, is known as the "Cambrian explosion" because it witnessed the rapid diversification of life forms, including the appearance of many major animal groups.

3. Jurassic Period: Occurring approximately 201-145 million years ago, it was known for the dominance of dinosaurs and the emergence of new species like birds and mammals.

4. Cretaceous Period: Spanning from 145-66 million years ago, this period saw the extinction of dinosaurs, marked by a catastrophic event, possibly an asteroid impact.

5. Paleogene Period: This period, about 66-23 million years ago, saw the recovery and radiation of mammals after the extinction of dinosaurs.

6. Neogene Period: From 23-2.6 million years ago, this period witnessed the diversification of modern mammals and the emergence of early hominids.

7. Pleistocene Epoch: Occurring around 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago, this epoch is known for the advance and retreat of ice ages and the presence of early human species.

8. Holocene Epoch: This epoch began about 11,700 years ago and continues to the present day. It is marked by the rise of human civilizations and the significant impact of humans on the Earth's ecosystems.

To enhance your portfolio, you can include visual representations, key characteristics, and major events associated with each period. You may also elaborate on how these periods have shaped the Earth's geological, biological, and environmental history.