Taste is a(n) _____________ sense that can only truly be distinguished by the one who is doing the tasting.

subjective *

I didn't mean math. I meant English

Yes, but agree anyway, subjectively.

The correct answer is "subjective".

To determine the answer, we can break down the clues in the question.

The question states that taste is a sense, suggesting that it is related to our ability to perceive stimuli through our taste buds. It also mentions that taste can only truly be distinguished by the one who is doing the tasting.

This suggests that taste is a personal and individual experience, unique to each person. In other words, taste is subjective, as it varies from person to person based on their taste preferences, food associations, and cultural influences.

To answer this question, it may be helpful to have a basic understanding of the different senses and their characteristics. It can also be beneficial to consider common knowledge and personal experience with taste.