I am having a little trouble with my sign here - this is the problem:

A bubble gum company can sell packs of gum for $1.19 each, so the revenue can be calculated using the formula R = 1.19x. The company's total cost consists of a fixed overhead of $11,000 plus 15 cents per pack of gum, so the total cost can be calculated using the formula C = 0.15x + 11000.
1. Write the algebraic inequality needed to indicate that the cost is less than the revenue.
So I wrote
0.15x + 11000 < 1.19x
since C < R and C is .15x + 11000 and R is 1.19x

2. Solve the inequality from the last question and explain what it means.
When I solve I get:
.15x + 11000 < 1.19x
Subtract .15x from both sides to get: 11000 < 1.04x
Divide both sides by 1.04 to get 10576.92 < x

I haven't changed the sign around, but I'm not sure how this relates to cost being less than revenue or really what this even means!

your answer is correct. You could write it as

x > 10576.92
but it means exactly the same thing.

You need to go back and see what x represents. It is the number of packs of gum. You started out with C(x) < R(X). That is, the cost is less than the revenue. So, as long as you sell more than 10576 packs of gum, you'll make a profit. It takes a lot of sales to overcome that $11000 up-front cost.