Early people in what is now southern Chile relied on shellfish and seals for food because

A. There were few land animals to hunt
B. Their religious beliefs demanded it
C. lack of rain prevented growing crops
D. they were unable to adapt to their environment

How did the development of agriculture change the lives of early South American peoples?
A. More groups moved near the coasts.
B. Groups started to settle in one place
C. Civilizations quickly developed.
D. Many groups developed a social hierarchy.

Please help fast

Okay thank you

you better not be lying, i'm putting full trust into you Answers/Connexus.

stg if your lying this is the end of the year test i cant fail im putting trust in you

To answer the first question, we need to analyze the given options. Let's break them down one by one:

A. There were few land animals to hunt: This could be a possible reason as shellfish and seals were more readily available food sources compared to land animals.

B. Their religious beliefs demanded it: While religion can influence dietary practices, it is unlikely to be the sole reason for relying on shellfish and seals.

C. Lack of rain prevented growing crops: This option suggests that the environment was not suitable for growing crops, which could have limited their food options.

D. They were unable to adapt to their environment: This option implies that the early people were not able to adjust to their surroundings and find alternative food sources.

Based on this analysis, option A seems to be the most reasonable answer. The early people in what is now southern Chile relied on shellfish and seals for food because there were few land animals to hunt.

Moving on to the second question, let's examine the given options:

A. More groups moved near the coasts: The development of agriculture may have influenced people to settle near water bodies for irrigation purposes, so this option is plausible.

B. Groups started to settle in one place: Agriculture requires a settled lifestyle as people need to cultivate and tend to their crops on a regular basis, making this option a likely outcome.

C. Civilizations quickly developed: While agriculture can contribute to the development of civilizations in the long term, it does not necessarily imply rapid development.

D. Many groups developed a social hierarchy: The surplus food generated by agriculture can lead to the development of social hierarchies, making this option a probable consequence.

Considering these options, it seems that options B and D are the most accurate answers. The development of agriculture changed the lives of early South American peoples by causing groups to settle in one place and leading to the development of social hierarchies.

You're welcome.

This is a test? You should not be asking for "help" during a test since tests are given to find out what YOU have learned as you read your assignments.

Of course, since you're already online, you can always google different topics. Try googling "early people in south america chile" and see what happens.