which of the following passages best supports the story's topic of survival


To determine which of the following passages best supports the story's topic of survival, we would need to analyze the content of each passage. Unfortunately, you haven't provided any passages to consider.

However, I can guide you on how to identify a passage that supports the topic of survival. When looking for a passage on survival, you should focus on sentences or paragraphs that discuss overcoming adversity, the struggle for life, or the ability to endure in challenging situations. Look for details that highlight the importance of perseverance, resilience, or finding solutions amidst difficult circumstances. A passage that emphasizes the character's will to survive, the harsh conditions they face, or their resourcefulness in dire situations would be strong evidence of supporting the topic of survival.

If you can provide the passages you'd like me to compare, I would be happy to help you determine which one best supports the story's topic of survival.

What passages?

What story?

The cay