1. Reconstruction in Texas had which of the following negative effects on African Americans?

A. "black codes
B. Education opportunity
C. Freedmen's Bureau
D. Voting rights****

2. Which plan for reconstruction tried to allow the former confederacy to rejoin the union the most quickly?

A. Presidential plan****
B. Congress' plan
C. Hamilton's plan
D. Houston's plan

Please help me, am I right or wrong.




So am I right or wrong???....Which one is right and which one is wrong???

Read the linked websites I gave you, please. Then let us know what you decide.

Okay, I say the number one is A, and number two, I would still go with A, but if not, than B.

Is it right, Write Teacher??

I agree: A and A.

You're welcome!

For the first question, you correctly identified the negative effect of reconstruction in Texas on African Americans. The answer is D. Voting rights. During reconstruction, African Americans were initially granted the right to vote under the 15th Amendment, but as Reconstruction ended and Southern states implemented discriminatory laws, such as poll taxes and literacy tests, African Americans were effectively denied their voting rights through various means.

For the second question, you correctly identified the plan for reconstruction that aimed to rejoin the former Confederacy to the Union the most quickly. The answer is A. Presidential plan, also known as Andrew Johnson's plan. This plan was more lenient towards the South compared to Congress' plan and aimed to quickly reestablish state governments and restore their political rights.

In summary, you are correct in both of your answers. Well done!