discuss ten fundamental human right with congrats limitations

Sure! Here are ten fundamental human rights along with some common limitations that exist in specific circumstances:

1. Right to Life: Everyone has the right to life, except in cases of self-defense or capital punishment.

2. Right to Freedom of Expression: Individuals have the right to express their thoughts and opinions, but limitations can be imposed to protect national security or to prevent hate speech or defamation.

3. Right to Freedom of Religion: People have the right to practice any religion, but limitations may be imposed to ensure public safety or to prevent discrimination.

4. Right to Equality: All individuals are equal before the law, but certain limitations exist to promote affirmative action or to prevent discrimination based on race, gender, or other protected characteristics.

5. Right to Privacy: Individuals have the right to privacy, but limitations may be imposed for law enforcement purposes or national security reasons.

6. Right to Education: Everyone should have access to education, but limitations can arise due to resource constraints or age restrictions.

7. Right to a Fair Trial: Individuals have the right to a fair trial, but limitations can be placed on this right for the sake of national security or in times of emergency.

8. Right to Freedom of Assembly: People have the right to gather peacefully, but limitations might be imposed for public safety or to prevent violent or disruptive protests.

9. Right to Health: Everyone should have access to healthcare, but limitations can arise due to resource limitations or prioritization of certain treatments or patients.

10. Right to Work: Individuals have the right to work and earn a living, but limitations can be imposed in certain professions due to licensing requirements or for the protection of public safety or welfare.

It is important to note that these limitations should be balanced, necessary, and proportionate, ensuring that the fundamental human rights are upheld to the greatest extent possible.