Melindas science teacher gave her an unknown substance to identify based on its properties. After a few tests, melinda listed her observations in a chart

- reflects light very well
- warms up in my hand
- flattens out when hit with a hammer
- conducts electricity

which kind of substance does melinda have?
1) nonmetal
2) metal
3) metalloid

I would go with metal. Google each of the three choices and compare the properties of each.

Im with Bob

To identify the kind of substance Melinda has based on the given observations, we can analyze each property and narrow down the options.

1) Reflects light very well: This property is common in both metals and metalloids. Nonmetals generally do not reflect light well.

2) Warms up in my hand: This indicates that the substance is a good conductor of heat, which is a characteristic of metals. Metalloids and nonmetals do not typically conduct heat well.

3) Flattens out when hit with a hammer: This property suggests that the substance is malleable, meaning it can be easily shaped or flattened. Metals are known for their malleability, while nonmetals and metalloids are generally less malleable.

4) Conducts electricity: Conductivity of electricity is a key property of metals, as they have free electrons that can carry an electric current. Nonmetals and metalloids are typically poor conductors of electricity.

Based on these observations, it is evident that Melinda's substance possesses properties that are typically associated with metals. Therefore, the kind of substance Melinda has is most likely a metal (option 2).