A student is performing a Benedict’s test on an unknown substance. The student adds the reagent (the chemical required to make a color change), and nothing happens. Which conclusion can the student make?(1 point)


The substance is glucose based.

The test was inconclusive because the student needed to also test with iodine or vinegar.

The substance is not glucose based.

The test was inconclusive because the student forgot to add heat.

The substance is not glucose based.

the bot is wrong

The test was inconclusive because the student needed to also test with iodine or vinegar.

To determine which conclusion the student can make, let's break down the information provided.

The student is performing a Benedict's test on an unknown substance. A Benedict's test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose. When a reducing sugar reacts with Benedict's reagent, a color change occurs.

In this case, the student adds the reagent, but nothing happens. This means there is no color change, indicating that the substance did not react with the reagent. Based on this observation, the student can conclude that the substance is not glucose-based.

Therefore, the correct conclusion in this situation would be: "The substance is not glucose-based."

The other options given as responses could be considered incorrect or less likely based on the information provided. It is not necessary to also test with iodine or vinegar to determine if the substance is glucose-based. Additionally, the fact that the substance did not react with the reagent has nothing to do with the student forgetting to add heat.