Suppose you have some kind of an disability in your right hand which makes your handwriting unclear... You just finished your semester examination and you are writing a letter to a senior lecturer/professor informing your situation and kindly requesting her to mark your paper with extra attention.

How can I include this in a email and send it to a senior lecturer/professor?

I'm asking this help, because English is not my mother language..

Many thanks!

After the fact "explanations" are at a disadvantage to endure sympathy. You need to apologize for not coming forth sooner...As a teacher, I have come to disbelieve many of these "explanations".

Don't ask for "extra attention". That sounds much like "extra credit" you didn't earn. Explain your situation. I once missed a final exam in calculus at UTexas my freshman year, due to unforseen military transfer (1961 Berlin Crisis). I wrote a letter to the instructor via the Dept head...she forwarded the exam to my Ship's Captain, and the exam was taken at sea, proctored by my division officer in a North Sea storm....I could barely write on my exam due to the seas. I passed. Things do happen.

Thanks a lot both of you for the advice

You are sending an email*

I agree with bobpursley. Don't send such an email!

Writing an email to inform a senior lecturer or professor about your situation and kindly request them to mark your paper with extra attention is an appropriate way to address your concern. Here's a sample email:

Subject: Request for Special Consideration for Exam Paper Marking

Dear [Professor/Lecturer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a student in your [course name] class. I am writing to bring to your attention a situation regarding my recent semester examination.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication to teaching and for providing us with a fair assessment process. However, I unfortunately have a disability in my right hand that affects my handwriting, making it unclear at times. Although I have taken several measures to improve my writing clarity, it has still impacted my ability to present my thoughts effectively in the exam.

I am kindly requesting your assistance in marking my paper with extra attention and consideration for this particular issue. I would be immensely grateful if you could take this into account while evaluating my answers to ensure a fair assessment of my knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

I am open to any suggestions or accommodations you might have to help evaluate my performance accurately in light of this situation. Your professional understanding and support will immensely alleviate my concerns during this assessment period.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I understand that you have a busy schedule, and I genuinely appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you require any further information or documentation regarding my disability, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Student ID]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Contact Number]

In this email, it's important to be polite, clear, and concise. You might also consider proofreading your email or asking someone proficient in English to review it and suggest any necessary improvements. Good luck with your email, and I hope your request receives the attention and support it deserves.