Patricia has $12 more than Rhoda and $15 more than Sarah. Together all three have $87. How much does Patricia have?

Rhoda = P+12
Sarah = P+15
Patricia = P

P + P + 12 + P + 15 = 87
3P + 27 = 87
3P = 60
P = 20

Does Patricia have $20?
I’m confirming.


Patricia has more than both Rhoda and Sarah

you have it set up backwards

oh yes.

much better

Yes, Patricia has $20. The equation we used to find the answer is:

3P + 27 = 87

To solve this equation, we first combine like terms:

3P = 60

Then, we isolate the variable P by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

P = 20

So Patricia has $20.