Which statements describe an aquifer? Select the three correct answers.

1. layer of impermeable rocks
2. can be created only by digging or drilling
3. layer of permeable rocks
4. underground water storehouse
5. can be recharged after being depleted

The correct answers are

Can be recharged after being depleted
Underground water storehouse
Layer of permeable rocks

i think it's 1, 2, and 5 but i don't know, can someone help thanks

To determine which statements describe an aquifer, we can break down and analyze each option:

1. Layer of impermeable rocks: This statement is incorrect. An aquifer is characterized by a layer of permeable rocks, not impermeable rocks. Permeable rocks allow water to flow through them.

2. Can be created only by digging or drilling: This statement is incorrect. Aquifers are naturally occurring underground formations and are not created solely by digging or drilling.

3. Layer of permeable rocks: This statement is correct. An aquifer is defined as a layer of permeable rocks, such as sand, gravel, or porous limestone, that can hold and transmit water.

4. Underground water storehouse: This statement is correct. An aquifer acts as an underground water storehouse, where water is stored and can be accessed for various purposes, such as drinking water or irrigation.

5. Can be recharged after being depleted: This statement is correct. Aquifers can be replenished or recharged with water, typically through natural processes such as precipitation or the inflow of surface water. However, the recharge rate may vary depending on factors like climate, geology, and human activity.

Therefore, the three correct statements that describe an aquifer are:
- Layer of permeable rocks
- Underground water storehouse
- Can be recharged after being depleted


Read lots and try again.