1. Reconstruction in Texas has which of the following negative effects on African American?

A. "black codes"
B. education opportunities
C. Freedmen's Bureau
D. voting rights
I'd say A or D. Please help. Also I had posted another question recently just now if anyone wouldn't mind looking at it.

Actually I say A

Is that correct?

To determine which of the options A or D had negative effects on African Americans during Reconstruction in Texas, let's break down each choice:

A. "Black codes" were laws passed specifically to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans. These codes imposed severe restrictions on their ability to own property, work in certain occupations, and even limited their movement. This had a significant negative effect on African Americans during Reconstruction.

D. Voting rights were also heavily suppressed during Reconstruction through a series of methods such as literacy tests, poll taxes, and intimidation tactics. These actions denied African Americans their right to vote, perpetuating systemic racism and disenfranchisement.

Considering the negative effects caused by both "black codes" and suppression of voting rights, both choices A and D are correct. African Americans in Texas faced significant hurdles, which included both oppressive legislation and violations of their constitutional rights.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is:
A. "Black codes" and D. Voting rights

Yes, A.