which of the following best summarize the difference between a free enterprise economy and a socialist economy?

A. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, consumers have fewer choices of products to buy.
B. In a socialist or communist economy, there are no government regulations.
C. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, the government controls prices.
D. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, private individuals own most businesses. In a socialist or communist economy, the government regulates and owns most businesses.

You know by now how Jiskha works! What do YOU think is correct?

Yes, D.

Thx this really helped

The correct answer is D. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, private individuals own most businesses. In a socialist or communist economy, the government regulates and owns most businesses. However, let me explain how to arrive at this answer.

To understand the difference between a free enterprise economy and a socialist economy, we need to examine the key aspects of each system. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, also known as a market economy, the means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals or companies rather than the state. This means that businesses and industries are operated for profit, and decisions regarding production, distribution, and pricing are made by individual owners or managers.

On the other hand, in a socialist economy, the means of production, such as factories, land, and resources, are owned by the government or the collective society as a whole. In this system, the government plays a central role in planning and controlling the economy, including determining production levels, setting prices, and allocating resources.

Now, let's look at the answer choices to match them with the characteristics of the two economic systems:

A. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, consumers have fewer choices of products to buy. This is not an accurate description as free enterprise economies tend to have a wider range of products and choices due to competition among private businesses.

B. In a socialist or communist economy, there are no government regulations. This is not true as government regulations are indeed present in socialist economies to control and manage the economic activities and ensure equitable distribution.

C. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, the government controls prices. This is also incorrect as free enterprise economies rely on market forces to determine prices, with limited government intervention.

D. In a free enterprise or capitalist economy, private individuals own most businesses. In a socialist or communist economy, the government regulates and owns most businesses. This accurately summarizes the difference between the two economic systems. In a free enterprise economy, businesses are predominantly privately owned, whereas in a socialist economy, the government exercises control and ownership over a significant portion of businesses and industries.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.