Elizabeth has 1 7/10 as many plants as Rosalie has in her garden. If Elizabeth has 51 plants, how many plants does Rosalie have in her garden?

E = 51

1.7 R = E


To find the number of plants Rosalie has in her garden, we need to know how many plants Elizabeth has in terms of a whole number. Let's convert the mixed number 1 7/10 to an improper fraction.

1 7/10 = (1 * 10) + 7/10 = 10/10 + 7/10 = 17/10

Now that we have the fraction, we can set up a proportion to find the number of plants Rosalie has.

Let R be the number of plants Rosalie has:
17/10 = 51/R

To solve the proportion, we can cross-multiply:

17R = 10 * 51
17R = 510

Dividing both sides by 17:

R = 510/17
R ≈ 30

Rosalie has approximately 30 plants in her garden.