Mrs. Miller sells a house for $179,000. If she earns a commission of 6%, how much money does she earn? Write a proportion and show ALL your work.

I got the equation right but i missed a point because my teacher said

"How did you go from x=6x179,000 to 6x1790?"
Could someone show the correct way of writing out this problem?

6 / 100 = x / 179,000

multiply both sides by 179,000
6 * 179,000 / 100 = x

so x = 6 * 1790

x = 10,740

Thank you @Damon

You are welcome. I added notes to a couple of your problems below.

To calculate the commission earned by Mrs. Miller, we can use the equation:

Commission = Rate × Sale price

Given that the rate is 6% and the sale price is $179,000, we can plug in these values into the equation as follows:

Commission = 0.06 × $179,000

To simplify the calculation, we can express 6% as a decimal by dividing it by 100. This gives us:

Commission = 0.06 × $179,000

Now, we can multiply 0.06 by $179,000:

Commission = $10,740

So, Mrs. Miller earns a commission of $10,740.

Regarding the misunderstanding, it seems like there was an error while simplifying 6% as 6 in the equation. The correct way to write out the equation would be:

Commission = 0.06 × $179,000