Show ALL work or explain in details the correct solution: What is the value of (10 – 6)^2 + 6 • 2 – (3 + 2)^2

I know the answer is 3. I need help with the "Show ALL work or explain in details the correct solution" part.

This one looks familiar, but here it is again:

(10 – 6)^2 + 6 • 2 – (3 + 2)^2
4^2 + 6*2 - 5^2
16 + 6*2 - 25
16 + 12 - 25
Now can you get 3?

Yes, thanks!

(10 – 6)^2 + 6 • 2 – (3 + 2)^2

brackets first
= 4^2 + 6*2 - 5^2
= 16 - 6*2 - 25
multiplication before addition or subtraction
= 16 - 12 - 25
finish it off
= -21 , not 3 as you claim.

oops, typo in 16 - 12 - 25

should be
16 + 12 - 25
= 3

To find the value of the expression (10 – 6)^2 + 6 • 2 – (3 + 2)^2, we need to follow the order of operations or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Parentheses
First, we need to simplify the expressions within parentheses, if any. In this case, we have (10 – 6)^2 and (3 + 2)^2.

(10 – 6)^2 = 4^2 = 16
(3 + 2)^2 = 5^2 = 25

Now our expression becomes:
16 + 6 • 2 – 25

Step 2: Exponents
Next, we need to evaluate any exponents. In our expression, we have already simplified the expressions within parentheses containing exponents. So, there are no further exponents to evaluate.

Our expression remains:
16 + 6 • 2 – 25

Step 3: Multiplication
Next, we need to perform any multiplication or division operations from left to right. In our expression, we have 6 • 2, which equals 12.

Our expression becomes:
16 + 12 – 25

Step 4: Addition and Subtraction
Finally, we perform addition and subtraction operations from left to right. In our expression, we have 16 + 12 – 25.

16 + 12 equals 28, so our expression becomes:
28 - 25

Finally, we subtract 25 from 28 to get the final answer:

28 - 25 = 3

Therefore, the value of the expression (10 – 6)^2 + 6 • 2 – (3 + 2)^2 is 3.