The term "life expectancy" refers to what?

A) number of babies born per year.
B) number of people per square mile.
C) average deaths per 1000 people.
D) average age before deathn

The correct answer is D) average age before death.

Life expectancy refers to the average number of years a person is expected to live, based on current mortality rates. It is a statistical measure that provides an estimation of how long the average person is likely to live. It is usually calculated at birth, but can also be calculated at different stages of life or for specific populations.

To actually find the life expectancy value, you would need access to data that includes information about the age at which individuals have died. By analyzing this data and calculating the average age of death for a given population, you can determine the life expectancy. This calculation takes into account factors such as mortality rates, life span trends, and other demographic characteristics.

It's important to note that life expectancy is an average and does not mean that every individual will live exactly that many years. It serves as a useful indicator to understand overall life span trends in a population.

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