Please tell me what I can do to do improve my paper thank you.

Directions :
Share with your instructor and classmates any new perspectives you have on the similarities and differences between revising and editing.
How will this new understanding help you be successful in writing for both your future classes and your current or future workplace?
Share with your colleagues how FACT will help you as you compose emails and written communication in your current or future workplace.

This is what I have written so far.

Now that I have a better understanding of what revising and editing means I have a new way of thinking that will help me to be more effective in my writing. I thought that they were both the same thing, however, they are not. Revision is dealing with the content of writing, not grammar, spelling, or mechanics. When revising your document you may want to give yourself some space between you and the draft this will allow you time and space to inspect your work carefully. Revision can be a long process and you may have to do it several times, but it will help you produce your best work. Editing is done after the revision process. This involves looking for and correcting inaccuracies in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

I will use this new understanding to help me succeed in writing for my future classes and workplace. For instance, I will use this knowledge to improve my writing skills in order to achieve a well written easy to read document. I will also use this knowledge to become a better writer and write more effectively. I will be more confident in my writing abilities and have effective communication. I want to produce my best work avoiding miscommunication which could result in poor outcomes.

Using FACT revision will help me to compose emails and memos in my future job in Health Services Administration. I will use this to make that I addressed all aspects of my main ideas. Making sure that I did not leave out essential material, cut out what is not necessary and test the organization of the material.

First of all, what does FACT refer to?

Thanks for the reply re FACT.

Your content and organization here are okay, but you’ll need to read it, one sentence at a time, from the end to the beginning to find the fragments and run-ons.

And I hope you will revise to replace all the instances of “you” in its various forms. You are writing about YOURSELF, so what is the obvious pronoun to be used?

To improve your paper, you can consider the following suggestions:

1. Provide more examples and specific details to support your understanding of revising and editing. This will help make your explanation more comprehensive and clear.

2. Consider organizing your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner. Ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, making it easier for the reader to follow your ideas.

3. Use transitional words and phrases to connect different sections of your paper. This will enhance the overall coherence and make it easier for the reader to understand your arguments.

4. Pay close attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It is important to demonstrate a strong command of language and attention to detail, especially when discussing the importance of editing.

5. Consider adding personal examples or anecdotes to further illustrate your points. This can make your writing more engaging and relatable to the reader.

In terms of the content itself, here are some additional points you may want to consider adding:

- Discuss how revising and editing can help improve the overall clarity and effectiveness of a written piece, making it more compelling and persuasive to the intended audience.

- Emphasize the importance of constructive feedback and seeking input from others during the revision process. This can help identify blind spots and areas for improvement that may have been overlooked.

- Highlight the role of revision and editing in ensuring accuracy and professionalism in written communication, particularly in workplace settings. Discuss how attention to detail can enhance credibility and avoid miscommunication.

- Consider mentioning any specific strategies or techniques you plan to implement in your future writing, such as creating an outline, using peer review, or utilizing editing tools and software.

Remember, these suggestions are meant to guide you in improving the content and clarity of your paper. It's always important to revise and edit your own work thoroughly, and seeking feedback from others can also be very helpful.