Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder where blood does not clot properly. This disorder is caused by a recessive allele on the x chromosome. a couple has just learned that their daughter has hemophilia. They already have a son who does not have the disease. what are the genotypes of the couple and the two siblings? explain your reasoning

Already answered this. Father must be hemophiliac to pass down his recessive hemophilia X. If he is not a hemophiliac, he is not the daughter's (double recessive X) biological father. Mother has one recessive hemophilia X and one dominant X. The dominant X went to the son.

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Thx alot PsyDAG

@Jesus is coming, I wrote that on my wall

To determine the genotypes of the couple and their two siblings, we need to understand how hemophilia is inherited. Hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome, which means it primarily affects males. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome.

Let's assign the following labels:
- XH for the normal clotting allele (unaffected)
- Xh for the hemophilia allele (affected)

Given that the couple has a daughter with hemophilia and a son without the disease, we can deduce the following:

1. If the daughter has hemophilia, it means she must have inherited the hemophilia allele (Xh) from both her mother and father. Therefore, both parents must carry at least one copy of the hemophilia allele.

2. Since the son does not have hemophilia, he must have inherited the normal clotting allele (XH) from either the mother or the father.

Based on these deductions, we can determine the possible genotypes:

- The mother must be a carrier because she passed on the hemophilia allele to her daughter. Therefore, her genotype could be either XHXh or XhXh.

- The father does not have hemophilia because his son is unaffected. Therefore, his genotype must be XHY.

- The daughter, who has hemophilia, received an Xh chromosome from both her mother and father. Hence, her genotype is XhXh.

- The son does not have hemophilia, so he either received an XH chromosome from his mother or an XH chromosome from his father. His genotype could be either XHXH or XHY.

In summary, the genotypes of the couple and the siblings could be:

- Mother: XHXh or XhXh (carrier of hemophilia allele)
- Father: XHY (unaffected)
- Daughter: XhXh (affected by hemophilia)
- Son: XHXH or XHY (unaffected)