In the following sentence identify parts of speech of the exercise word large fish swim swiftly in the sea

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To identify the parts of speech in the sentence "Large fish swim swiftly in the sea," we need to break down each word and determine its function.

Here's the breakdown:

- Large: adjective - It describes the size of the fish.
- Fish: noun - It is the subject of the sentence, referring to the animals that swim.
- Swim: verb - It describes the action being performed by the fish.
- Swiftly: adverb - It modifies the verb "swim," indicating the manner in which the fish swim.
- In: preposition - It shows the relationship between the phrase before it and the phrase after it.
- The: article - It introduces the noun "sea."
- Sea: noun - It refers to the body of saltwater in which the fish swim.

So, the parts of speech in the sentence are: adjective, noun, verb, adverb, preposition, article, and noun.