In "All Together Now," Jordan uses appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to try to persuade her readers that her views are important. In a paragraph, cite one example of each kind of appeal in her work. Then, explain whether you find Jordan's appeals convincing, supporting your ideas with logical reasons and relevant examples.

I don't understand it can someone help me
(no full answers because that is cheating)

Study the different kinds of appeals and how to identify each. Then go through this work and read carefully.

oh I kinda get it I think i can answer it now

Sure! Let's break down the question step by step.

The first part of the question asks you to find one example of both appeals to emotion and appeals to reason in Jordan's work, specifically in "All Together Now." To do this, you need to read the text and identify sections where Jordan appeals to emotions, such as using powerful language, personal anecdotes, or vivid descriptions that evoke feelings in the reader. Additionally, look for sections where she appeals to reason by using logical arguments, evidence, or factual information to support her views.

Once you have found these examples, you need to analyze whether Jordan's appeals are convincing or not. Consider whether her emotional appeals effectively engage your emotions and if her appeals to reason are supported by strong evidence and logical reasoning. Reflect on whether these appeals align with your own beliefs or if they have the potential to change your perspective.

Remember, it's important to provide logical reasons and relevant examples to support your ideas. This might involve pointing out specific instances in the text where Jordan's appeals resonate or fall short, and using logical reasoning to explain why you find them convincing or not.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the question better! Let me know if you have any further questions.

I still do not understand

In THREE MINUTES you read all that?? I doubt it.

Read MANY of the results in that search. Think. Study your text. Think.