Which of the following should you do during your third read of the Multi-draft reading

What are your choices?

What following?

What do you already know about "your third read" as described by your teacher or school?

During your third read of the Multi-draft reading, you should focus on analyzing the text's structure, themes, and literary devices. This step is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the text and forming a well-rounded interpretation. To achieve this, here are the steps to follow:

1. Familiarize yourself with the text: Before starting your third read, make sure you have a good grasp of the text's main ideas, characters, and plot. If needed, skim through the previous readings to refresh your memory.

2. Identify the text's structure: Pay attention to the organization of the text. Look for patterns such as chapters, sections, or paragraphs that indicate shifts in time, point of view, or subject. Identifying the structure will help you understand how the author has organized their ideas.

3. Analyze the themes: Themes are the underlying messages or ideas that the author explores in the text. Look for recurring motifs, symbols, or conflicts that reflect these themes. Consider how these themes relate to the overall meaning of the text.

4. Examine the literary devices: Take note of any literary devices the author employs, such as metaphors, similes, imagery, or foreshadowing. Understand how these devices enhance the text's meaning and contribute to its overall effect.

5. Highlight important passages: As you read, mark passages that stand out to you or seem crucial to understanding the text's deeper meaning. These could be quotes that reveal character development, provide key insights, or represent important ideas.

6. Take notes and annotate: Jot down your thoughts, questions, and connections in the margins or in a separate notebook. Use annotations to document your understanding and analysis of the text. This will help you organize your thoughts and enable easier reference later on.

By performing these steps during your third read of a Multi-draft reading, you will be able to delve deeper into the text, identify its structural and thematic elements, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the author's intentions.