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Please read my Reflection and let me know ways to improve it thank you.


State whether or not you agree with author Natalie Clarkson's view of the relationship between "Reading Culture" and "Workplace Wellbeing" and justify your stance. Make sure to remain focused on your analysis and response to the Clarkson article. For example, you might not find reading to be stress-relieving.

My Reflection
In the article called “Why promoting a reading culture could improve workplace wellbeing” written by Natalie Clarkson, she discusses the benefit of reading in the workplace. I feel that this would work in some situations such as a if an employee enjoys reading. It will give them a chance for their imagination to run wild and perhaps clear their mind for a little while. On the other hand, if an employee doesn’t not care for reading this could not have a positive effect on them. Although some people find reading a way to relieve stress I do not. I do enjoy reading from time to time. However, I do not find reading stress- relieving.

There are many benefits of reading in the workplace. Reading can help reduce stress because it can relax one’s mind and relieve tension. Reading will improve the workplace by increasing an individual’s vocabulary, knowledge and enhancing one’s intelligence. Additionally, the staff would be more productive and resourceful. Their creative side will soar and cause an overall better workplace. I am a supporter of this concept, but other options should be made available to those who do not enjoy reading.

Reading in some cases may cause an individual stress such as if they have a learning disability. By offering an alternative to reading such as, allowing them to engage in a fun exercise program or listening to some music. This may help them feel relaxed and calm in the same way an individual feels after they read a book they liked.

Promoting reading in the workplace could greatly have a positive impact on employees. If an employee is happy and educated, they will be more productive which in turn will help the company to thrive.

( not sure about a conclusion )

Revised Reflection ( Please let me know ways to improve)

In the article called “Why promoting a reading culture could improve workplace wellbeing” written by Natalie Clarkson, she discusses the benefit of reading in the workplace. I feel that this would work in some situations such as a if an employee enjoys reading. It will give them a chance for their imagination to run wild and perhaps clear their mind for a little while. On the other hand, if an employee doesn’t not care for reading this could not have a positive effect on them. Although some people find reading a way to relieve stress I do not. I do enjoy reading from time to time. However, I do not find reading stress- relieving.

There are many benefits of reading in the workplace. Reading can help reduce stress because it can relax one’s mind and relieve tension. Reading can improve the workplace by increasing an individual’s vocabulary, knowledge and enhancing one’s intelligence. Additionally, the staff would be more productive and resourceful. Their creative side will soar and cause an overall better workplace. I am a supporter of this concept, but other options should be made available to those who do not enjoy reading.

Reading in some cases may cause an individual stress such as, if they have a learning disability. By offering an alternative to reading may allow the other employees a chance to relieve stress. For instance, allowing them to engage in a fun exercise program or listening to some music. This may help them feel relaxed and calm in the same way an individual feels after they read a book they liked.

Promoting reading in the workplace could greatly have a positive impact on employees. If an employee is happy and educated, they will be more productive which in turn will help the company to thrive. Given the correct opportunity I believe an employee will want to stay with the company longer and be a team player. Overall, they will be more content and satisfied and stress will diminish.

Find and fix any fragments and run-ons. For example, this is a fragment: “By offering an alternative to reading may allow the other employees a chance to relieve stress.”

Read your paper aloud, sentence by sentence, from the end to the beginning in order to find them.

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Your reflection is well-written and provides a thoughtful analysis of Natalie Clarkson's article on promoting a reading culture in the workplace. Here are some ways you can further improve your reflection:

1. Provide specific examples: Instead of using general statements like "It will give them a chance for their imagination to run wild," try to provide specific examples of how reading can benefit employees. For example, you could mention that reading can help employees develop problem-solving skills or improve their ability to think critically.

2. Address counterarguments: Consider addressing counterarguments or different perspectives on the topic. For instance, you mentioned that reading may not be stress-relieving for you, but you could acknowledge that it might be for others and explain why that is the case.

3. Provide evidence or data: To strengthen your arguments, you can include evidence or data to support your points. For example, you could mention studies that have shown the positive effects of reading on workplace productivity or provide statistics on how reading can enhance vocabulary and knowledge.

4. Offer more alternative options: While you mentioned the alternative options of exercise programs and listening to music, you can expand on this by suggesting other activities that could be beneficial for those who do not enjoy reading. This will show that you have considered different preferences and needs within the workplace.

5. Develop a stronger conclusion: Your conclusion briefly summarizes your main points, but you could further expand on the potential long-term benefits of promoting a reading culture in the workplace. Additionally, you could mention any potential challenges or limitations to implementing such a culture and how they can be addressed.

Overall, your reflection is well-structured and presents your thoughts in a clear manner. By incorporating these suggestions, you can further enhance your analysis and strengthen your argument.