how many moles of o2 are needed to produce 3.91 mole Fe2O3?

4Fe + 3O2 => 2Fe2O3

3.91 mols Fe2O3 x (3 mols O2/ 2 mols Fe2O3) = ? moles O2 needed

To determine the number of moles of O2 needed to produce 3.91 moles of Fe2O3, we need to use the balanced equation for the reaction.

The balanced equation for the formation of Fe2O3 from its elements is:

4 Fe + 3 O2 -> 2 Fe2O3

Looking at the equation, we can see that it takes 3 moles of O2 to produce 2 moles of Fe2O3.

To find out how many moles of O2 are needed to produce 3.91 moles of Fe2O3, we can set up a proportion:

(3 moles O2) / (2 moles Fe2O3) = (x moles O2) / (3.91 moles Fe2O3)

Cross multiplying, we get:

2 * x = 3 * 3.91

2x = 11.73

Dividing by 2 on both sides:

x = 11.73 / 2

x ≈ 5.87

Therefore, approximately 5.87 moles of O2 are needed to produce 3.91 moles of Fe2O3.

To find the number of moles of O2 needed to produce 3.91 moles of Fe2O3, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

4 Fe + 3 O2 -> 2 Fe2O3

From the equation, we can see that 3 moles of O2 are required to produce 2 moles of Fe2O3.

To calculate the number of moles of O2 needed, we can set up a ratio using the coefficients in the balanced equation.

Ratio of O2 to Fe2O3 = 3 mol O2 / 2 mol Fe2O3

Using this ratio, we can find the number of moles of O2 needed:

(3.91 mol Fe2O3) * (3 mol O2 / 2 mol Fe2O3) = 5.865 mol O2

Therefore, approximately 5.87 moles of O2 are needed to produce 3.91 moles of Fe2O3.