Suppose a species of beetle feeds on grass in a grassland ecosystem. Toads prey on the beetle. In which of the following scenarios would a predator become a limiting factor for the beetle population?

A.A drought reduces the toad population.
B.An influx of soil nutrients results in increased grass growth.
C.A hawk species moves in that hunts toads.****
D.The toad population increases after a warm, wet spring. ****
I don't know which one it it please help :)

Can you just please help me :)

Since Ms Sue doesn't like giving the answers, here they are


Me sue is cracked at Minecraft is correct

@Ms Sue is Cracked at Minecraft thnx, I got 100% and to all the connexus kiddos, Ms Sue is Cracked at Minecraft is right on all the answers

To determine which scenario would result in the predator (toads) becoming a limiting factor for the beetle population, let's analyze each scenario:

A. A drought reduces the toad population.
In this scenario, the toad population decreases due to a lack of water. Since there are fewer toads, the beetle population may experience less predation pressure. This scenario indicates that the predator (toads) is not a limiting factor for the beetle population.

B. An influx of soil nutrients results in increased grass growth.
This scenario describes an increase in grass growth due to an influx of soil nutrients. As a result, the beetle population, which feeds on grass, might experience an increase in food availability. If the beetles have a sufficient food source, they may not be limited by the predator population.

C. A hawk species moves in that hunts toads.
In this scenario, a new predator (hawk species) enters the ecosystem that hunts the toads. If the toad population declines significantly due to predation by the hawk species, the beetle population may experience less predation pressure from the toads. Consequently, with reduced predation, the beetle population might increase, making the predator (toads) a limiting factor.

D. The toad population increases after a warm, wet spring.
In this scenario, the toad population increases due to favorable weather conditions. If the toad population grows substantially, the number of toads preying on the beetles is likely to increase. The higher predation pressure may limit the beetle population's growth and make the predator (toads) a limiting factor.

To summarize, based on the provided scenarios, both options C and D could result in the predator (toads) becoming a limiting factor for the beetle population. A hawk species hunting toads (option C) or an increase in the toad population (option D) could lead to higher predation pressure on the beetle population, potentially limiting its growth.

Please take Dr. Bob's advice.

Why not do the + and - exercise similar to what I did for the population question.