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Math - Graphing and writing inequalities.
1. write the inequality for the graph.
open circle on 2.
A. x<2
B. x_<2
C. x>2
D. x_>2

2. write the inequality for the graph.
closed circle on -4.25.
A. x<4.25
B. x_<4.25
C. x>4.25
D. x_>4.25



Connexus answers is correct!!

What about the practice answers? There are 8 questions.

help me

*connexus answers* has the correct answers thank you so much

L mans

#1 either A or C, depending on where the number line is shaded

#2 same idea, but B or D

Thank you ~connexus answers~

i don't think this is helping with my question can you help me my question is how to answer the questions in 3rd grade math fractions and regions quiz please help me

1. To write the inequality for the graph indicated by an open circle on 2, we need to determine the direction of the inequality. In this case, the graph shows that the values of x are less than 2 but do not include 2.

The correct inequality is x < 2.

To explain how we arrived at this answer, we can look at the concept of open circles on a number line. An open circle indicates that the point is not included in the solution. Since our point is 2, we can see that it is not part of the solution.

To represent this in an inequality, we use the less than symbol (<) because the values of x are less than 2. Therefore, the correct answer is A. x < 2.

2. To write the inequality for the graph indicated by a closed circle on -4.25, we need to determine the direction of the inequality. In this case, the graph shows that the values of x are greater than or equal to -4.25.

The correct inequality is x ≥ -4.25.

To explain how we arrived at this answer, we can look at the concept of closed circles on a number line. A closed circle indicates that the point is included in the solution. Since our point is -4.25, we can see that it is part of the solution.

To represent this in an inequality, we use the greater than or equal to symbol (≥) because the values of x are greater than or equal to -4.25. Therefore, the correct answer is D. x ≥ -4.25.