Haddon’s favorite clothing store is having a sale. Shirts are 25% off and pants are 15% off. Haddon has $90 to spend on clothes. If shirts were originally priced at $15.98 and pants were originally priced at $25.59, which can he afford to buy? Select two answers.

1 shirt and 4 pairs of pants ---------

2 shirts and 3 pairs of pants------------

3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants

6 shirts and 1 pair of pants
please help im not sure about this and im not at home with my notes

I now know that the answer is b and c

Just calculate the cost of each selection.

I will do the first one, you do the others in the same way

selling price of shirt = .75(15.98) = $11.99
selling price of pants = .85(25.59) = $21.75

cost of 1 shirt and 4 pants = 1(11.99) + 4(21.75) = $98.99
So she can't do that, she only has $90.00


so the shirt is 11.99, and that would be 23.98 for two, and then one pair of pants is 21.75, so 21.75 x 3 = 65.25 and then 23.95+65.25=89.2 so she can

thank you

To determine which combinations of shirts and pants Haddon can afford to buy, we need to calculate the discounted prices of both items and see if they fit within his budget.

Let's start by calculating the discounted prices of the shirts and pants.

Shirt price after discount = $15.98 - (25% of $15.98)
Shirt price after discount = $15.98 - (0.25 * $15.98)
Shirt price after discount = $15.98 - $3.995
Shirt price after discount = $11.985
Round to the nearest cent: $11.99

Pants price after discount = $25.59 - (15% of $25.59)
Pants price after discount = $25.59 - (0.15 * $25.59)
Pants price after discount = $25.59 - $3.8385
Pants price after discount = $21.7515
Round to the nearest cent: $21.75

Now, let's check which combinations are affordable for Haddon using his $90 budget:

A. 1 shirt and 4 pairs of pants:
1 shirt = $11.99
4 pants = 4 * $21.75 = $87
Total cost = $11.99 + $87 = $98.99 (Exceeds Haddon's budget of $90)

B. 2 shirts and 3 pairs of pants:
2 shirts = 2 * $11.99 = $23.98
3 pants = 3 * $21.75 = $65.25
Total cost = $23.98 + $65.25 = $89.23 (Within Haddon's budget of $90)

C. 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants:
3 shirts = 3 * $11.99 = $35.97
2 pants = 2 * $21.75 = $43.50
Total cost = $35.97 + $43.50 = $79.47 (Within Haddon's budget of $90)

D. 6 shirts and 1 pair of pants:
6 shirts = 6 * $11.99 = $71.94
1 pant = $21.75
Total cost = $71.94 + $21.75 = $93.69 (Exceeds Haddon's budget of $90)

Therefore, Haddon can afford to buy combinations B and C:
B. 2 shirts and 3 pairs of pants
C. 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants