which sentence helps you remember the lines in treble clef

every good boy does fine

For music

the answers would be
The treble is also know as the
Answer: G clef
Which of the following phrases help you remember the lines of trible clef
Answer: Every Good Boy Does Fine
Pitch refers to
Answer: how high or low the note is
The white key immediatly to the left of the set of two black keys is what note/pitch on the piano
Answer: The letter C

Good way to remember the lines of the treble clef is this:

Every Good Bassist Does Fine (EGBDF)
Good way to remember the spaces of the treble clef is this:
starting from the bottom space going up its FACE
Good way to remember the lines of the bass clef is this:
For the lines of the bass clef there is no specific trick, its just GDBFA
Good way to remember the spaces of the bass clef is this:
going from the bottom space up All Cows Eat Grass (ACEG)

every good boy deserves fudge

"I am right dw" is correct! ^^

Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge.

user is right

Identify the Line Of the treble clef

TabLE FliP

every good boy does fine


i am right dw is correct and if you know my name your an actual legend ^-^