Please help i have done this problem several times i dont know what is wrong?

After you pick up a spare, your bowling ball rolls without slipping back toward the ball rack with a linear speed of v = 3.05 m/s (Figure 10-24). To reach the rack, the ball rolls up a ramp that rises through a vertical distance of h = 0.43 m.
(a) What is the linear speed of the ball when it reaches the top of the ramp?
(I said 1.61 m/s)
(my thought process was)


solve for v , please help

final KE=initilaKE-gaininPE

1/2 m vf^2=1/2m vi^2 - m*9.8*.43 divide thru by 1/2 m
vf^2=vi^2 -2(9.8*.43)
vf^2=3.05^2 -8.43
vf= sqrt(.873) not your answer.

To solve this problem, you can apply the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

The total mechanical energy of the ball at the bottom of the ramp (just after you pick up the spare) is equal to the total mechanical energy of the ball at the top of the ramp.

The total mechanical energy of the ball can be expressed as the sum of its kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE).

At the bottom of the ramp, the ball has only kinetic energy, given by:

KE_initial = 1/2 * mass * v^2,

where v is the initial linear speed of the ball (3.05 m/s).

At the top of the ramp, the ball has both kinetic and potential energy. The potential energy is given by:

PE_final = mass * g * h,

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2), and h is the vertical distance the ball rolls up the ramp (0.43 m).

The linear speed of the ball at the top of the ramp (v_final) can be derived by equating the initial and final total mechanical energies:

KE_initial = KE_final + PE_final.

Now let's solve for v_final:

1/2 * mass * v^2 = 1/2 * mass * v_final^2 + mass * g * h.

Substituting the given values for v, g, and h, we have:

1/2 * mass * (3.05)^2 = 1/2 * mass * v_final^2 + mass * 9.81 * 0.43.

Simplifying the equation by canceling out the masses, we get:

(3.05)^2 = v_final^2 + 9.81 * 0.43.

Solving for v_final:

v_final^2 = (3.05)^2 - 9.81 * 0.43.

v_final = sqrt((3.05)^2 - 9.81 * 0.43).

Evaluating this expression, we find:

v_final ≈ 2.08 m/s.

Therefore, the correct linear speed of the ball when it reaches the top of the ramp is approximately 2.08 m/s, not 1.61 m/s.

why does your mass change? The ball isn't going at relativistic speeds ...