Please help which of the following sentences contains an action verb A.This apple taste funny B.It seemed OK at first C.I spit it out in the trash D.It might be rotten .

Action verb — the subject DOES or DID the action.

In which sentence, does the SUBJECT do the ACTION?

The word following an action verb receives the action of the verb. It does not mean the same or describe the subject.

What do you think is the action verb?

I think it’s C

C is right.

Thank you so much ms sue I really appreciate it

You are welcome.

To determine which sentence contains an action verb, let's break down the sentences:

A. This apple tastes funny.
B. It seemed OK at first.
C. I spit it out in the trash.
D. It might be rotten.

An action verb is a verb that describes an action or something someone does.

In sentence A, "tastes" is a verb, but it is not an action verb. It is a linking verb that connects the subject "apple" to the adjective "funny."

In sentence B, "seemed" is a linking verb that connects the subject "it" to the adjective "OK." It is not an action verb.

In sentence C, "spit" is an action verb as it describes the action of "I" spitting something out in the trash. So, this sentence contains an action verb.

In sentence D, "might be" is not an action verb. "Might" is a helping verb, and "be" is a linking verb.

Therefore, the sentence that contains an action verb is C. "I spit it out in the trash."