Mrs. Miller sells a house for $179,000. If she earns a commission of 6%, how much money does she earn? Write a proportion and show your work.

Im so confused everyone has different ways to do it but all get the game answer
Please help

6 % is 6/100 or 0.06 as a fraction

0.06 * 179,000 = 10,740

or as a proportion

6/100 = x/179000
x = (6/100 ) 179 000 again

Indeed there are lots of ways to think about percent of something, but the answer is always the same :)

Good :) You are welcome.

I kinda understand.

Thank you.

Never mind I understand, Thank you.

To find out how much money Mrs. Miller earns as a commission, we can set up a proportion using proportions.

Let's set up the proportion:
commission/sale price = commission rate/100

We know the sale price is $179,000 and the commission rate is 6%. Let's substitute these values into the proportion:

commission/179,000 = 6/100

To solve for the commission, we can cross-multiply:
commission * 100 = 179,000 * 6

Simplifying the equation:
100 commission = 1,074,000

Now, let's solve for the commission:
commission = 1,074,000 / 100

commission = $10,740

Therefore, Mrs. Miller earns a commission of $10,740.