For which of the following activities would a geologist use a seismograph?

A) searching for stars in distant galaxies
B) recording plate movements
C) studying the motions of clouds
D) checking for cracks in an oil pipeline

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A geologist would use a seismograph for recording plate movements, which corresponds to option B in this case.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each of the activities and eliminate options that do not involve seismographs.

A) Searching for stars in distant galaxies does not require a seismograph. Geologists typically use telescopes or other astronomical instruments for this activity.

C) Studying the motions of clouds also does not involve the use of a seismograph. Meteorologists use instruments like weather radars or satellite imagery to monitor cloud patterns and movements.

D) Checking for cracks in an oil pipeline usually involves inspection of the physical structure and the use of specialized equipment such as cameras or ultrasound devices. While geologists might be involved in pipeline inspections, they do not rely on seismographs for this specific task.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that a geologist would use a seismograph for recording plate movements, making option B the correct answer.