Why might Chinese burn paper money at a festival for ancestors?

A. To give the ancestors income in the afterlife.
B. To bribe the ancestors to stay away
C. To give the ancestors money for passage to the spirit world.
D. To show sacrifice in honor of the ancestors.
please help! I think it might be C

The answer is D

I did not guess.

It’s D to show sacrifice in honor of the ancestors

To determine the correct answer, let's look at the possible options:

A. To give the ancestors income in the afterlife.
B. To bribe the ancestors to stay away.
C. To give the ancestors money for passage to the spirit world.
D. To show sacrifice in honor of the ancestors.

In Chinese culture, burning paper money or joss paper during festivals for ancestors is a common practice known as "Hell Bank Notes." The purpose behind this ritual is to provide financial resources for the deceased in the afterlife. By burning the paper money, it is believed that the ancestors will receive the value of the currency in the spirit world. This tradition is rooted in the belief that the spiritual realm mirrors the physical world and that the deceased may require money for their journey or life in the afterlife.

Based on this explanation, option C, "To give the ancestors money for passage to the spirit world," is indeed the most appropriate answer.

Its common sense


Answer A

During the Qingming Festival, Chinese people across the country burn gold and silver paper money. Burning the money provides income for their ancestors. Providing for ancestors after they pass is an important way to show them respect, according to Confucian values.

I think its A

its a im pretty sure

The ancestors are already in the spirit world!

Check your text and post what you learn. No guessing!