Use the context clues in the following sentences from "The King of Mazy May" to choose the most likely meaning for the word blows.

He struck at their faces and mean must save their faces with their hands. So there was no shooting just then. Before they could recover from the hot rain of blows, Walt reached out from his sled...

A: Hits

B: Water

C: Bullets <<<

D: Fear

No. Consider this: "So there was no shooting just then."

And this:

To determine the most likely meaning of the word "blows" in this context, we can analyze the surrounding sentences for context clues. In the given sentences, it's described how someone struck at faces and the recipients had to protect themselves with their hands. It is further mentioned that there was no shooting at that moment. From these clues, we can infer that the word "blows" is likely referring to physical hits or punches.

Therefore, the most suitable option from the provided choices would be A: Hits.