why is carbon so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on earth

Carbon is abundant in living things mainly because of its unique chemical properties and its ability to form stable and diverse compounds. While oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, it is less versatile in forming complex molecules compared to carbon.

Here are the key reasons why carbon is essential for life:

1. Carbon's bonding capabilities: Carbon atoms have the unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and a variety of other elements. This ability allows carbon to form stable and complex organic molecules, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids—all crucial components of living organisms.

2. Versatility of carbon compounds: Carbon can form long chains, branches, and rings, enabling an extensive variety of compounds. Additionally, carbon can form double and triple bonds, allowing for even greater structural diversity. This flexibility allows carbon to participate in countless chemical reactions, making it essential for building and maintaining living systems.

3. Stability of carbon compounds: Organic compounds containing carbon are generally stable and less reactive compared to many other elements. This stability is important for maintaining the structure and function of biological molecules. If carbon compounds were too reactive, they would break down easily and be less suitable for supporting complex life processes.

4. Carbon's abundance on Earth: Carbon is relatively abundant on Earth compared to other essential elements required for life. It is present in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, dissolved in water as bicarbonate and carbonate ions, and stored in various Earth reservoirs, such as fossil fuels, rocks, and organic matter.

In contrast, while oxygen is abundant, it typically exists as diatomic oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere and is less chemically versatile compared to carbon. Oxygen plays a crucial role in aerobic respiration, providing energy for organisms, but its ability to form diverse compounds is more limited compared to carbon.

Overall, carbon's exceptional bonding properties, versatility, stability, and abundance make it the cornerstone of life on Earth.

Carbon is abundant in living things because it has unique properties that make it highly suitable for forming the intricate structures and compounds necessary for life. While oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, it is mostly present in the form of compounds like water and minerals, rather than in its elemental form.

Carbon has the ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and other elements, allowing for the formation of complex molecules. These bonds are stable enough to provide structural integrity, yet can be broken and rearranged easily, facilitating chemical reactions necessary for life processes. This property, called catenation, is not as prevalent in other elements, including oxygen.

Moreover, carbon has the ability to form stable bonds with a variety of other elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. This versatility enables carbon to form the backbone of a wide range of biomolecules, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which are essential for cellular function and the biochemistry of life.

Although oxygen is essential for respiration and energy production in living organisms, it is not as versatile as carbon in terms of forming diverse compounds and complex structures. Therefore, while oxygen may be more abundant overall on Earth, carbon's unique properties make it an essential building block of life.

I copied the following from Google.

"Carbon is so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth because carbon atoms can bond with one another to make chains and cyclic structures whereas oxygen atoms cannot form chains or cyclic structures."